Protecting Our Freedoms

As an OBGYN physician and Seacoast resident for the past thirty years, I care deeply about this community, its people, and its values. Running for office was something I had never considered, but with our basic freedoms and New Hampshire way of life under threat, now is the time.

In addition to the joy of delivering scores of babies, I have listened to countless challenging situations that my patients have found themselves in. Having the freedom to help them make the best decisions for themselves and their families without interference, should be a basic right.

My wife and I raised our two sons in the New Hampshire public school system where they received an excellent public education and were well prepared for their careers. Public schools are one of the bedrocks of our community, and subtraction through the current voucher program is not an addition to our community, but an addition to our property taxes.

I will always work to protect reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, voting rights, ensure great public education for all of our children, protect our environment and drinking water, while working to reduce property taxes. Everyone deserves a chance to achieve their full potential, and with your help and support, we can make it possible.

A Voice for You in Concord 

  • Spend our tax dollars wisely

  • Protect reproductive freedoms and choices

  • Value a great public education for our children

  • Safeguard our water and land resources 

  • Advocate for all of our citizens’ rights and freedoms